About Us
Have you ever wondered why so many on-line bondage supply stores carry all of the exact same products and absolutely no unique products?
Deep Stealth Dungeon would like to inform you that we are not Drop-shippers. Deep Stealth Dungeon stocks all of the products that we sell, at our own location. You may wonder why it would matter if DSD drop-ships or not. By housing our own inventory we don't have to rely on one single supplier. We're able to carry products from different suppliers as well as products that are made by us without increasing shipping costs to our customers.
Since Deep Stealth Dungeon is not under regulation from a large supplier, we're able to carry products from smaller businesses, hand make products that are unique and made locally as well as products from larger suppliers from all over the globe.
Just recently, we added a new collection that we really hope will take off. "One of a kind items" are one-off items are made by individual craftspeople. As a result, no two items in this collection are identical. These items are purchased from the individuals that make them and kept in our stock. This means that both specialty items like these as well as our regular stock will usually ship within 24 hours (holidays are an exception).
Deep Stealth Dungeon has been in business for quite a few years now but only recently has DSD begun as a merchant. What have the owners of DSD been doing all this time? They've been running their own Dungeon and had a great deal of fun at the same time. As some of you may know, both Master James and Lady Helen Barbosa are transgender and over the last year and a bit, they've taken a little time out for a few needed and well deserved body mods. But now they're back and so is DSD. This is a new beginning for Deep Stealth Dungeon and we welcome you to sample from our perversions of grace.
The DSD code
Give them a world of disturbing beauty, enduring pain and bizarre fetish, where all can explore their own personal beast.
Deep Stealth Dungeon Fetish Wear and Accessories inc.